Child Custody and Visitation

Child Custody and Visitation in NYCWhat is in the best interest of the child? This is the New York Family Court legal standard when it comes to custody issues. Child custody proceedings will determine the custodial parent, so they are extremely important. Remember that the custodial parent is the parent who will be receiving child support. Our family lawyer in NYC is extremely experienced at winning cases that involve all three types of custody: full custody, joint custody and residential custody.

Yes, standard visitation means every other weekend, alternating holidays and 2-4 weeks vacation. However, Family Court judges can be very flexible if you can prove that you are a good non-custodial parent who just wants to be more involved in the child's life. This is where our family lawyer in NYC can be of great help. Get in touch with us by calling 646-216-6033!

Child Support

Did you know that many of the most contentious battles in Family Court are the ones related to child support? Yes, they can be fiercer than child custody and child visitation proceedings. The court will have to determine the gross amount of income it will use to calculate child support. You can get more as the custodial parent or pay less as the non-custodial parent if you have excellent legal counsel at your side. Our family attorney in NYC is ready to discuss the specifics of your case with you right now.

NYC Divorce

A divorce can be stressful, even traumatic. It's actually one of the worst events in a person's life. And if you and your spouse have children, the process gets even more complicated and even more traumatic. The emotional and financial toll can be immense. However, did you know that a good family law attorney can help you avoid most of the problems and most of the stress? If you choose us to represent you, our team will work tirelessly and will bring their many years of experience to your case.

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements in NYCWe can help you craft "court-proof" documents that protect both parties involved. Our family attorney in NYC works with both straight and LGBT couples. The prenuptial agreement is a written contract that is crafted and signed by the couple before marriage. It will supersede the default marital laws, such as law regarding the division of property. A postnuptial agreement is signed by the couple after their marriage and is used to settle the assets and affairs in case of divorce.

Other Legal Services

Our experienced family lawyer in NYC can also help you with other things related to family law, such as:

Contact Us Today

There is nothing better than having a seasoned family law professional by your side in Family Court in New York City. We will bring our litigation experience and family law knowledge to court and will advocate on your behalf. We're here to help. Get your FREE consultation now and call us: 646-216-6033!

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